Monday, March 3, 2008

Questions - Application

3. What questions would you ask of Mary if she could speak from the dead?

If I could ask Mary a question, I would ask her, " Do you blame Bigger for killing you?" Mary would say, " If I was a live I would tell bigger that : " i just wanted to come here and tell you that I'm not angry... I'm not angry and i want you to let me help you. i don't hate you for trying to blame this thing on me... maybe you had good reasons... i don't know. and maybe in a certain sense, I'm the one who's really guilty...." " bigger, I've never done anything against you and your people in my life. but I'm a white woman and it would be asking too much to ask you not hate me, when every white person you see hates you. i know my face looks like theirs to you, even though i don't know we were so far apart until that night... i can understand now why you put all of your weight on me when my mother walked in the room. it was the only thing you could have done, but i didn't know that my white face was making you feel guilty, condemning you." then she would say she forgives him and she hates that whites frown upon blacks. basically when Mary came back she would tell bigger how sorry she is about how things turned out.

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